Cancel FAX number
As being environmentally friendly, we do not use fax anymore, please use other contact method listed in "Contact Us", thank you !
New Data Centre
Our new high quality Data Centre has been launched. Customer can enjoy a more secure, fast and reliable network service.

Change of Fax number
Old fax number "8167-3882" is closed, please send to new fax number "3007-5982", thank you !
82NAME.COM New website released !
82NAME.COM New website released ! Have a look at 82NAME.COM
FTG has launched a new server colocation and rack rental services.

With our spirit of development, FTG concern of the change in international environmental protection trend. In recent years, major international markets such as China, the European Union and Taiwan, has promulgated laws prohibit certain products containing specific toxic substances entering the market.
As a responsible corporate, we response to the Greenpeace International of Awareness. In 2009, we imported a range of green product management system. From the system and the development of our products, we implemented a newest management to ensure that products meet international environmental standards (such as: EU regulations) and satisfy the customers demand of green products.
FTG formally established.
FTG formally established.